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It can be hard to admit sometimes, but branding in the B2B world can often be boring. We use the same old colors on our logos, we market to the same old executives and C-levels, and we attend the same old trade shows every year.

Fortunately, this branding standstill doesn’t have to continue.

The web is moving toward a more visual strategy, and though at first glance this tactic might seem more primed for B2C brands, in fact, visual content can actually help reinvigorate a mature or static brand.

What do I mean by visual content, you ask? Well, that includes things like infographics, charts, videos, memes or even just great photos – anything your customers can see and interact with visually.

Have you started going visual with your branding? If not, you may want to. Here are just a few of the many benefits it can offer B2Bs:

  1. It’s more exciting. Let’s face it: It’s easy for a B2B to be boring. You know you’re only marketing toward C-levels and execs, so numbers, stats and PowerPoints become the norm. While those can sometimes work to sell your services, adding some visual spice to your branding strategy can go a lot further. This is especially true in the aviation world, where visuals can be especially stunning. Just think: An aerial photo of your planes in action instead of a bulleted list of PowerPoint? What do you think will sell better?
  2. It’s shareable. Visual content is super shareable, meaning people are more likely to forward it to a colleague or friend, retweet it on Twitter or share it on Facebook for others to see. That means more referrals and more potential customers will see your brand. It’s a win-win that equals a stronger customer-to-brand connection and more leads in the long run.
  3. It tells a better story. Storytelling is a big part of branding. It keeps customers engaged – even long-term ones – and it makes people feel more like a part of your brand, like they’ve been there with you through it all. While a good story can certainly be told with words, like the old adage says, “seeing is believing.” A little visual content can make a big difference in telling a wow-worthy story to your customers.
  4. It brings clarity. In the B2B world, our sales pitches can sometimes get a little complicated. We sell complex products in a high-tech industry, and it can be easy to get bogged down with the nitty-gritty details. While this can be overwhelming with just plain text, an infographic or chart can help bring some clarity to the situation, making it easier to digest and understand.

Think your B2B branding may be getting boring? It may be time to take your visuals to the next level. Contact Haley Aerospace to see how we can help up your branding ante today.

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