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Marketing automation is a much talked-about fad in today’s digital world. Not only can it make generating and nurturing leads easier, but it can do it using fewer resources and, in the long run, likely fewer dollars too.

Using the latest tech, marketers are now able to build leads, qualify those leads with semi-customized email chains and often even convert those leads, thanks to automated customer service apps and plug-ins.

And when done right, it works.

But does it work for everyone, every time? Definitely not – and especially not for aerospace brands.

Automation Isn’t Enough in Aerospace

Here’s the thing: Aerospace is a high-dollar industry. Our clients aren’t shelling out $10 for a new lip gloss. They’re buying multimillion-dollar machines, parts and aircraft, and they’ve got a lot on the line when making their purchases.

People don’t hand over eight figures in cash without a serious vetting process – and automated marketing solutions just can’t provide that high-touch, personalized approach that most aerospace customers need.

So effective aerospace marketing requires a mix of the two: a smidge of the resource-saving, tech-driven automated stuff and a whole lot of handholding and one-on-one interactions.

Now there’s no exact equation for how to do this, but for most of our clients we recommend something like this:

  • A good lead magnet – This could be an ebook, a guide, a tool or just a simple downloadable PDF. Whatever it is, it needs to be something that your potential clients would want and find valuable. They’ll need to enter their name, company and email address for it – so you’ll have to make your offer worth their while.
  • A few different email funnels – When they opt in for that magnet, those leads get put into an email funnel. You’ll want a funnel for each different client “persona” you serve so that your messages speak directly to their unique needs, challenges and place in the sales process – nothing too generic or broad. Use the funnel to expose your leads to your services/products, as well as how those can help solve the problems they have at hand.
  • A team to step in at the right time – In aerospace, you can’t let your email funnel do all the work for you. If someone has opted in, downloaded your lead magnet and has been regularly opening your emails, it’s time to touch base. Have dedicated reps in place to reach out, email/call them directly, and see how you can help them with their goals and objectives.
  • A good followup protocol – There’s lots of money on the line here, so most people aren’t going to make a decision on the fly. They’ll need to think about it, run it by their higher-ups and get back to you in time. But don’t let too many days pass. Assign team members to each lead to follow up, check in and remind them that you’re still there to help.

For aerospace brands, it’s a hard balance to strike. Naturally, you want the marketing process to be as easy, seamless and affordable as possible, but in a big-ticket industry like ours, automation often isn’t enough. Want help creating your perfect mix of marketing? Let me know. Haley Aerospace is here to help.


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