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Mergers and acquisitions are a pretty common occurrence in the business world. Companies get bought out, they band together, and they form newer, larger and more comprehensive organizations that better serve their customers.

But while most executives have plans of action for M&As – how employees will be affected, what jobs will remain, and what will change from a production or service standpoint – branding efforts are rarely a part of that totem pole.

It’s a pity, too, because there’s no better time for branding than during a merger, acquisition or other big change at a company.

Why, you ask? Because it’s a clean slate.

It’s an opportunity to start anew – to create a new voice, a new personality and a new movement your customers and target buyers can get behind. And if branding is considered and prioritized during these hectic times, it can mean the difference between a wildly successful merger and one that falls flat for all organizations involved.

Is your company going through a merger or acquisition? Want to make sure you’re making branding a part of the overall plan? Here’s what you should do:

  • Plan ahead – Start early and plan for branding efforts long before your merger or acquisition is executed. Make it a priority and get your entire marketing and PR team involved from the very beginning.
  • Recognize changes – Consider how your organization will change once the merger or acquisition has occurred. These changes are what you can capitalize on – what you can sell in your new messaging to buyers and customers in need. While some changes call for simple changes in messaging or product offerings, others require more major branding work – maybe even a new name and logo.
  • Know your audience – Be aware of what your audience will be once the transition is complete. Sometimes, you may have the same target buyer as before. If so, great! Many times, however, you’ll have a different set of buyers you’re after – or at least an expanded one. These new buyers need to be considered in all branding efforts moving forward.
  • Identify opportunities – Finally, try to recognize the opportunities that will come from your transition. Could you market in a new venue? Could you sell add-on products or services? Could you expand your profits and sales in other ways? Know these opportunities, and use your branding to help seize them.

If you’re planning a merger or acquisition in the near future, don’t let branding be an afterthought. If done properly, updating your branding during a big transition can actually help your company in the long run. Not sure where to start? Contact the branding experts at Haley Aerospace today.

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