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It’s a sad fact, but many aviation execs don’t think branding’s that big a deal. After all, when you’re talking about drawing in B2B clients (or attracting the C-level team at those businesses), isn’t it all about reputation? Word of mouth? Experience? Of course, they all play a role in B2B success, but they’re not the end-all, be-all of profitability. Not by any means.

In fact, branding actually plays a much bigger role in the B2B world than you think. You know why?

B2B is boring.

There, I said it. The B2B world just isn’t very exciting, and if you work anywhere in, near or around it, you’ll probably admit the same thing. It’s a lot of monotony. It’s a lot of jargon, networking and meetings, and it’s not a lot of fun.

These doldrums of monotony create the perfect platform for great branding. They set the stage for a B2B to really make a splash – to establish itself as unique, different and a true standout from the pack.

With the right branding, a company can break past its competition and shatter records. With the wrong branding (or worse yet, branding that just blends in), it will be just another year plugging away at the status quo. Which result would you rather have?

Branding is also crucial in the B2B world because:

  • Serious repercussions are on the line – For a B2C buyer, the monetary loss of a failed purchase will be minimal. You buy a new perfume you don’t like, you’re out $50. You get the wrong batteries, you lose a few bucks. On the B2B level, entire companies are on the line. If a B2B buyer purchases the wrong engine part or the wrong piece of manufacturing equipment, it can mean severe financial losses or, depending on the business, even safety issues for employees or down-the-line customers. (This is especially true in the aviation world!) Truthful, honest and well-honed branding is vital to attracting the right B2B clients and to ensure their satisfaction and safety in the long run.
  • Branding matters to buyers – It might surprise you, but studies show the B2B decision makers value a company’s brand over many other factors when making a purchasing decision. It’s almost equally as important as efforts from a sales team or representative.
  • Most B2B branding is off – Most B2B brands focus campaigns only on things that matter to them – their sustainability, their charitable efforts, their reach in the global community. Sure, those things look good on a resume, but are they what really matters to a client? Definitely not. This lack of accessible, relatable branding offers yet another opportunity for B2B companies to reach clients. Better connect with their needs, convey those needs through well-honed branding efforts, and enjoy the windfall.
  • Technology has made it necessary – Technology has made learning about companies, products and brands incredibly easy, and B2B buyers can easily do a quick Google search, read about a brand and make a snap decision in a matter of minutes. For a perfected brand, this can mean immense opportunity. For one that just blends in or falls behind, it can be the kiss of death.

Still think B2B branding isn’t all that important? Think again. The aerospace and aviation industry are full of B2B brands just like yours. If you want to stand out, win clients and close business, a well-honed brand is the way to do it. Contact the branding experts at Haley Aerospace to discuss your branding today.


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