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We tend to create logos and then forget them.

That’s likely why some long-standing aerospace brands still have the same logos and branding they did decades ago.

They might not think we notice … but we do.

Like anything, design trends come and go. And when a logo is outdated, old and passé – it’s noticeable, big-time. And it can have huge impacts on a brand’s perceived value and worth, especially with new and potential customers.

Think of it this way: A logo is usually someone’s first impression of your brand. If you sell high-tech aerospace systems but your branding screams of the 1960s, do you think customers will see you as a leading, tech-savvy company? Likely not.

Do you think they’ll deem you worthy of their hard-earned dollars and business? Another big no.

And that’s because it’s pretty simple. Your logo conveys your value. Your worth. Your virtue.

How Much Should Your Logo Cost?

Knowing that your logo plays a huge role in how your brand’s value is perceived, it’s pretty obvious that you should devote some serious effort and resources when creating yours.

But how much should you spend? And how often should you spend on it?

There’s really no way to quantify how much you should spend on a logo, but there is one thing that’s certain: It should never be a one-off commitment. Having a current, high-quality and relevant logo requires regular upkeep, and you’ll want to have an aerospace branding designer on hand (or at least on retainer) to make that happen.

Try to give your logo a refresh every few years to keep it in line with current trends – even if it’s just a minor change of fonts or hues. You should also consider updating your logo if you’re pivoting your services or products, or if you’re making any major changes in the organization. Your logo should always reflect your brand in its current state, giving potential customers an honest, transparent peek at what you have to offer.

Giving Your Logo Value

So how do you ensure your logo conveys the right value proposition for your brand? And that it’s worth the consistent investment of time and personnel resources over time?

Here are a few tips:

  • Know what different colors convey – Different colors convey different meanings, so be sure to choose your logo colors carefully. Here’s a quick and dirty guide.
  • Make sure your logo effectively and accurately represents your products/services – Don’t mislead or steer customers in the wrong direction. They should be able to glean who you are and what you do just by looking at your logo.
  • Make it stand out – You want to be accepted by your target audience and the marketplace, but you don’t want your logo to look exactly the same as everyone else’s. Your logo should be your differentiator, telling customers why they should choose you over a competitor.
  • Be consistent – Use your logo consistently across all your marketing, advertising and branding efforts. Consistency is key in improving brand recognition and value.

In the end, your logo is one of the most important elements of your branding, so don’t brush it off. Whether you’re a brand just starting off or you’ve been around for decades, devote some time and energy to really perfecting your logo and aligning it with your products, services and value proposition.

Need aerospace branding or logo guidance? Haley Aerospace is here to help.


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